M.A.R.S. Bulletin 006 **

Birth of the Single-Celled Bio Mechanical Organisms


There came however, an instance in which a new entity was required. Suddenly with no known explanation, despite all pseudo-scientific scrutiny, and without warning, The Ehelmintz and the Csohrs began to fail.

The harmony between time, space, and intuition was disrupted. A sudden surge in the ego of the Cshors (what makes up its ability to produce a desirable entity, i.e., its self) initiated an unforeseen level of autonomy and applied it, without intention, to the source code written deep within the Ehlemintz’s intuition. As a result, intuition became disproportionately inflated and began to “think” for itself (an idea never-before introduced/experienced in the QDT). With its newfound autonomy, intuition began to drift away from the Cshors leaving space and time space and time to grow and mutilate itself relative to that of intuition.

The Quasidimension thus, began to self-mutilate. Without the prescribed regulation from the Ehelmintz and the Csohrs, the QDT moved infinitely outward and inward upon itself (a hardwired act of rebellion and submission). A sudden cosmological paradox within the folds of the QDT that simultaneously triggered a second and seemingly identical occurrence beneath the permeations of Earth’s three-dimensional plane, which was only later understood as the “Big Bang.”

Within a matter of momentarily instantaneous events following the disruption, a new entity emerged.   



Taylor Hudson